TOGGO Terms and Conditions

Privacy policies and information management

Security of your personal information

TOGGO LAC LLC secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. TOGGO LAC LLC keeps the personally identifiable information you have provided on servers located in a controlled and secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

In the event that personal information is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encrypted protocols

Information management

The data of users and shopping assistants are not shared or sold for commercial purposes. Personal information (name, contact numbers, email, and/or other contact details) will only be shared with permission or direct authorization from the user or shopping assistant.

TOGGO LAC LLC shares information with users that individuals may find interesting, such as advertisements provided by shopping assistants.

TOGGO LAC LLC provides shopping assistants and users with information about the performance of their advertisements and product promotions to enable interaction and exchange of useful content and information for the purchasing process.

TOGGO LAC LLC through its web portal and their customer service channels will voluntarily and with informed consent collect data from both natural and legal persons, as well as those who have autonomous access to the platform and its offered services and products.

All personal information, including users and personal shoppers, comprises data such as name, email address, country of origin, postal code, contact phone number, and personal interests. This information will be used for the fulfillment of services, sending offers, providing information of interest, and other services offered by TOGGO to maintain constant contact with users and ensure the secure handling of information.

The information and/or data collected are subject to be updated or modified according to the user's request through the help center or via our digital communication channels.

TOGGO LAC LLC applies controlled use of 'cookies' to responsibly store information and personal data and provide valuable information to users accessing the TOGGO platform and its digital channels.

The cookies are stored temporarily, allowing us to offer a more personalized service in line with the expectations of our users. Users have the option to reprogram their browser to not accept cookies.

TOGGO will implement a security certificate on its platform to control and protect information. The technology to be applied is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is responsible for controlling, encrypting, and preventing information that could be used for illegal purposes.

TOGGO LAC LLC warns that on our website and other digital channels, there are links and external pages that may request personal information. TOGGO LAC LLC is not responsible for the use that these sites may make of the information you authorize them to collect. We reserve the right to delete or block a user who has provided false information.

TOGGO LAC LLC reserves the right to cancel accounts that are inactive, abandoned, or have a history of fraud or misuse, and/or those accounts that violate the terms and conditions policies.

Upon registering for blogs, newsletters, events, promotions, or any informational activity, the user authorizes TOGOO LAC LLC to share and provide commercial information about our company.

Deleting accounts from the Toggo App

To delete your Toggo app account, please provide us with your name and email. Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation email.

The data that will be deleted by the user are: 

  • Datos de la persona.
  • Personal information.
  • Account.
  • Address.
  • Phones.
  • Shared content or information

TOGGO LAC LLC Shipping Policy


In this document, 'we,' 'our,' and 'Toggo' refer to TOGGO LAC LLC, its subsidiaries, branches, and controlled entities, as well as its respective employees, representatives, and independent contractors. 'You,' 'your,' and 'yours' refer to buyer users on our platform

"Package" means any product, item, or parcel packaged for delivery to users. 'Shipment' means all packages tendered to air carriers under a single Air Waybill. By agreeing to the terms when making your purchase and shipment, you accept, whether or not you sign the front of the carrier's Air Waybill used by Toggo, for yourself or as an agent and on behalf of another person, that you have an interest in this shipment, all the terms of the non-negotiable carrier's Air Waybill, and, as applicable, all the terms in any transportation service agreement entered into between Toggo and you covering this shipment, any applicable rate, and its current Service Guide or General Conditions of Carriage. No person is authorized to alter or modify the terms of this agreement. The Air Waybill used by the carrier selected by Toggo will be binding when the shipment is accepted; we may mark this Air Waybill with an employee number as our signature, or our printed name will be sufficient to represent our signature on this Air Waybill.

Your obligations

You ensure that all items in the shipment have the correct destination address (including postal code), which will be used on the Air Waybill used by the carrier selected by Toggo, along with any required import documentation, and that they are acceptable for air transportation. You are responsible for all charges and potential surcharges, customs duties, and tax fees, including fees related to our prepayment of these charges, government penalties and fines, taxes, attorney fees, and legal costs related to this shipment.

Air Transport Notice

If the air transport of your shipment involves a final destination or a stopover in a country other than the country of origin, the Warsaw Convention and any of its subsequent amendments and protocols ("Warsaw Convention") may apply. In such a case, the treaty will govern and, in most cases, limit our liability for loss, damage, delay, incomplete delivery, wrong delivery, non-delivery, incorrect information, or omission of information regarding your shipment.

Land Transport

You should be aware that shipments transported partially or exclusively by land, whether or not there is an explicit agreement to do so, to or from a signatory country of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road ("CMR") are subject to the terms and conditions of the CMR, notwithstanding any other provision referenced or found in the Air Waybill indicating otherwise, except that higher liability limitations defined in these conditions continue to apply contrary to what is stated in the CMR.

Limit of Liability

If not governed by the Warsaw Convention, the CMR, or other international treaties, laws, regulations, government orders, or requirements, our maximum liability for damage, loss, delay, incomplete delivery, wrong delivery, non-delivery, incorrect information, or omission of information regarding your shipment is limited by this Air Waybill to $100 USD per shipment or $9.07 USD per pound (or $20 USD per kilogram) (or the equivalent in your local currency).

We do not offer cargo liability insurance or all-risk insurance.

Responsibilities We Do Not Assume

Subject to the service conditions contained in these policies and conditions, any applicable fees, our service guide, or our general transport conditions, we will not be liable for damages, whether direct, incidental, special, or consequential, exceeding the declared value of $100 USD or $9.07 USD per pound (or $20 USD per kilogram) (or the equivalent in your local currency), whichever is greater, regardless of whether we knew or should have known that such damages could occur, including, for example, loss of income or profits.

We will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of users or carriers, including, for example, the incorrect declaration of the destination address, errors or deficiencies in packaging, protection, or the actions or omissions of the recipient or any other person interested in the shipment. Also, we will not be responsible if you or the carrier violate any terms of our agreement. We will not be liable for losses, damages, delays, incomplete deliveries, wrong deliveries, non-deliveries, incorrect information, or omission of information regarding shipments of cash, currency, or any other prohibited items.

We will not be liable for any loss, damage, delay, incomplete delivery, misdelivery, non-delivery, misinformation or failure to provide information in connection with your shipment caused by circumstances beyond our control, including, but not limited to. for example, natural disasters, aviation hazards, weather conditions, mechanical delays, acts of public enemies, wars, strikes, civil commotions or actions or omissions of public authorities (including customs and health officials) with actual or apparent authority.

No Warranties

We do not offer warranties, either express or implied.

Claims for Losses, Damages, or Delays

All claims must be made in writing and within strict deadlines not exceeding 48 hours after receiving your shipment or from the date the shipment should have been delivered, with a maximum of 10 calendar days after making your purchase.

The right to file a claim for damages against us will expire unless an action is initiated within the aforementioned period.

The claim must be documented within twenty-one (21) days after we have been notified. For this purpose, you must send us all relevant information related to the claim. We are not obligated to address any claims until all purchase and transportation charges have been paid, and the claimed amount cannot be deducted from such charges

If the recipient accepts the shipment without recording any damage in the delivery record, we will assume that the shipment was delivered in good condition. For us to consider a claim for damages, the content, the original cardboard box, and the packaging must be made available to us for inspection.

Payment Responsibility

Even if you provide us with different payment instructions, you will be the principal responsible for all charges, including transportation expenses and possible surcharges, customs duties and tax fees, including fees related to our prepayment of these charges, government penalties and fines, and attorney fees and legal costs related to this shipment. You will also be responsible for expenses we may incur in returning the shipment to you or storing it until it can be disposed of.

Customs Clearance

By making purchases on the Toggo Platform and through this document, you agree that Toggo may choose any carrier to move your items, designate your consignee agent solely for customs clearance, and guarantee full freedom to certify the carrier as the nominal consignee for the purpose of appointing a customs agent to perform customs clearance. In some instances, local authorities may require additional documents to confirm such designation. You are responsible for providing the appropriate documentation and confirmation when necessary.

You guarantee and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including, for example, customs duties; import, export, and re-export laws; and government regulations of any country to, from, through, or over which your shipment may be transported. You agree to provide such information and complete and attach such documents as necessary to comply with such laws, rules, and regulations. We are not responsible to you or any other person for any loss or expense due to your failure to comply with this provision.

You are also responsible for all charges, including transportation expenses and possible surcharges, all customs duties and tax fees, including fees related to our prepayment of these charges, government penalties and fines, taxes, attorney fees, and legal costs related to this shipment.

Export Controls

You authorize Toggo to choose your transport agent for export control and customs checks. You hereby certify that all statements and information contained in this document and in other annexes related to export are true and correct. Furthermore, you understand that civil and criminal sanctions, including charges for forgery and sale, may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements; for violating any of the U.S. export laws, including, among others, 13 USC Sec. 305; 22 USC Sec. 401; 18 USC Sec. 1001; and 50 USC App. 2410; or for violating export laws of other countries.

Instruction Letter

If all required documents for transportation are not completed, you hereby instruct us, when permitted by law, to complete, correct, or replace the documents on your behalf and at your own expense. However, we are not obligated to do so. If a substitute for the Air Waybill is required to complete the delivery of your shipment and we complete such document, the terms of this document will continue to be in effect. We are not responsible to you or any other person for our actions on your behalf according to this provision.

Shipping restrictions

In accordance with Law 1369/2009 Resolution 3095/11 CRC Commercial Code (Article 981 – transport contract and following).

By its nature

  • Items that, due to their content, may cause damage or deteriorate other shipments. Products such as: weapons, illicit drugs, dangerous products such as contaminants, flammable chemicals, explosives, or products that must be kept under refrigeration, freezing, or heating, compressed or poisonous gases, refrigerants, radioactive material, infectious substances.
  • Organic and hospital products, as well as industrial items, catalysts, pigments, or industrial products.
  • We do not accept the transportation of money (including, among others, coins or negotiable instruments equivalent to money, such as endorsed bonds or stocks). We exclude all liability for the shipment of such items accepted by mistake. 
  • Mandatory law If any provision contained or referred to in this document is contrary to any applicable international treaty, law, government norm, order, or requirement, such provision will remain in force as part of our agreement to the extent it is not invalidated. The invalidity or inapplicability of any provision will not affect the other provisions contained or referred to in this document.

Terms and conditions TOGGOLAC BONUS

The Discount Voucher constitutes limited commercial value. The values available at this time are $10 USD and 20 USD.

How to participate?

Referal bonus

Refer a friend to use our TOGGO LAC purchasing channel and receive 10 USD when your friend makes their first purchase. First purchase and welcome bonus at TOGGO LAC: Welcome purchase gift for new customer with a bonus
gift for 20 USD..

First Purchase and welcome bonus at TOGGO LAC

Welcome purchase gift for new customer with a gift voucher for 20 USD.

Recommendation for purchasing TOGGOLAC

A discount voucher is applied for uploading a story on social networks and tagging us at @toggolac sharing your shopping experience. This gift voucher is 10 USD. It only applies to product buyers and the voucher is sent physically in the package box with its expiration date clearly defined.


Gift voucher for downloading the APP and making a first purchase in the application worth 20 USD.

What products does it apply to?

All products available on the platform with a commercial value greater than 75 USD. Applies to stores in Miami and Colombia.

Tax and shipping

Gift vouchers

Gift Vouchers apply to the cost of the product only and cannot be used to pay taxes or shipping.

Shipping policies

The user acknowledges and accepts that in the development of this activity there may be logistical problems typical of this type of activities.

In the event that such inconveniences occur, the user accepts that they will contact TOGGOLAC directly through our help and experience center.

Special conditions


The value of the voucher is not refundable in any case and is not converted into cash if the customer returns the product.

The voucher can only be used by its bearer or user (not third parties)
To redeem the voucher you must be 18 years of age or older

How to activate?


To make it effective you must indicate it when making the purchase in the chat with our personal Shopper on our portal at

In order to be effective, the following information must be provided

full name and email of the person who gave you the voucher, in this way we avoid falsification of them.

Note: The inaccuracy and/or imprecision of the personal information requested exempts TOGGOLAC from liability.

Use of the Bonus

The non-use of the Discount Voucher by the beneficiary during its validity does not cause economic obligation to TOGGOLAC, a fact that
understands and accepts the beneficiary of the Gift Voucher.


Gift Vouchers are valid for the specific purchase of products and will expire if they have not been used after the coupon validity period.

It is not allowed to trade or acquire discount coupons without express authorization from TOGGOLAC

The gift voucher can only be accumulated when your referrals make purchases with your personal code.

Positive balance

Bonus Management

Credit balances will not be handled in the event that the acquisition of a product was for a price lower than the economic value of the Gift Voucher. In this case, the beneficiary must add another product in such a way that it completes the value of the gift voucher and, if applicable, pay the excess of the total sum of the selected products and the Gift Voucher.

Product of a higher value

In the event that the beneficiary of the Gift Voucher wishes to purchase a product that has a price higher than the economic value of the Voucher, he or she may do so by adding the missing amount.

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